LIFELINE – Mental Health Week
It’s MENTAL HEALTH WEEK 9th-15th May, and this year’s theme is loneliness.
I’m so pleased and relieved that I’m can finally announce that LIFELINE is completed. I almost lost the will to keep going with my film dream, but I’m back and that’s for another story to come. This story has mental health and loneliness written all over it and will now be making its way to the festivals.

A film based on some truths, LIFELINE is about Max an overworked and troubled city financial whiz who suffers recurring nightmares, which are repeatedly interjected by phone calls from his absent wife.
I’ve said this before, but I’m repeating the necessary. I chose a male lead, as men too often are taught to shut down their emotions and display a tough macho image to prove their worth, especially among their peers.
Yet: It’s OK to be vulnerable
It’s OK to ask for help
It’s OK to cry
LIFELINE is dedicated to ANYONE suffering and needing a comforting shoulder.
You can also call The Samaritans in the UK:116 123
While I wrote, directed, produced and edited this short, it goes without saying I couldn’t have completed this without The A Team, you know who you are!!