Andy Serkis & Best Beginnings

I was thrilled to be invited to an intimate gathering and Q&A with Andy Serkis – he’s the patron of the beautiful charity Best Beginnings and was sharing about his legendary role as Gollum, movies and recent intrepid trek to Mount Everest’s peak to raise money for them.

I can’t tell you how much I needed this – my own film journey has been painfully slow for reasons that have been out of my control. But I’m keeping at it, chipping away at the obstacles, asking the powers that be to hold me in perfect places to help keep the film blood pumping.

And I felt the Universe delivered, dishing me out a huge piece of sweet apple pie ?
During the last two days of events held by Best Beginnings I have been in the energy of TRUE artists, whether film or music, those who give a damn. My favourite kind.
Andy Serkis you truly are a genuine gem ❤️