Gurinder Chadha’s Words of Wisdom!
As published on Facebook on 13th March 20

Last night, Gurinder Chadha…director of Bend it like Beckham and Bhaji on the Beach, hugely iconic movies for me as a young Asian woman growing up in UK, said, ‘things in filmmaking don’t always go to plan…I’m very Indian like that…everything happens for a reason.’
I had the opportunity to be part of a Q&A with her, as part of an evening about discussing directorial debuts.
Hush Little Baby was only meant to be like learning to build my first car. Written in a couple of weeks or so, pitched and accepted, and shot a couple of months later.
As long as it got from A to B, its job was done and you move on to building the next one, and so on until you build a top, slick car that everyone wants…that would be a sporty, Audi A3 for me ?
It has taken 3 and half years to get to this point, and had I not learned some heavy going postproduction software, and took back control of my project last Oct – it would never have seen the finish line.
I was only meant to be a writer, producer and director (previous to that a writer would have been enough ?), but now I can edit, do VFX and graphic design (still learning new tricks).
Clearly the Universe had/has something else in mind ⭐️?
It’s a super asset as I never have to rely on others again at this early stage, as I had to, to fulfil the vision I have in mind.
Like Chadha, if I hadn’t believed EVERYTHING DOES HAPPEN FOR A REASON, I’d have let the ‘film’ car battery die ages ago and with it, my passion and dreams.
It doesn’t matter how long it takes, as long as I stay focussed and ENJOY THE JOURNEY!! I hope the same for you, whatever may be happening in your life.
Peace & ❤️
#hushlittebaby #supportindiefilm #femalefimmakers #gurinderchadha