Burning Letter Ritual

As shared on Facebook on 16th Feb 2018

Unfinished business is the story of my life – literally – and one of the themes of my first feature length screenplays I’m currently writing, loosely inspired by the voices I hear.

This photo, taken last week, is an authentic burning of a letter to an estranged ex I haven’t seen in nine years. It’s a common healing practice intended to allow one freedom from painful relationships, by chucking out everything you couldn’t /didn’t say face to face.

Don’t get me wrong, my heart has healed and I sit in a contented place. I’ve a great family, friends, social life and life purpose, but I can’t seem to end the sporadic dreams and visions I still have of him, since we broke up.

Any attempt to contact him about this has received a blank no-response, so I didn’t bother again after the third e-mail in 2015.

My last dream of him, only two weeks ago, left me feeling strange. “Gee…Gee.” I turned around towards the voice calling me. My ex was dashing towards me one second, but he vanished the next.

The writing and burning of this letter intended to sever any lingering ties. But the opposite occurred.

I’ve been bombarded by flash visions of him. When I’m eating, watching a film, on a night out with friends, even in the most relaxing of situations in my yoga class.

I’m even feeling his soul now, as I write this. It’s a sixth sense thing that makes no sense. I can’t switch it off and the voices aren’t saying a word.

Let me be clear, I’ve made my peace with him, myself, I hope he’s happy, perhaps married and kids, it’s all good. But why after all these years do the visions and dreams of him persist?

Please universe it’s about time a new chapter unfolds. I need to finish what’s unfinished and resolve this story of my life.

An article behind this story coming soon at @FearlessFemmeMag


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