Category: Big Dream

Screenplays in Brief

Everybody wants to be an actor or director, no? Those in the film industry, anyway. And then there’s me, who took a while to believe that I can write a screenplay. That’s become the BIG DREAM, to finish my three work-in progress feature length screenplays, which started out as an...

Part#1 – The Big Dream of Self Belief

GEE’S TOP 5 TIPS #1 Flex a Jim Carrey funny face every morning in the mirror. Simultaneously say, IF YOU CAN MAKE YOUR DREAM COME TRUE, SO CAN I. #2 Go tell your pushy boss in an Austrian accent, I’m not a machine nor Arnold Schwarzenegger. I HAVE A DREAM. #3 Every...

My Bold Launch into an Uncertain Certainty

Life’s become a little samey, too comfortable that it’s a little uncomfortable and I need to ratchet up the energy and take risks or risk losing out. And so another blog in the ocean of blogs has been born. I know. I felt the same. But it’s my route to a...